Searching for Historical On-Call Information

Searching for Historical On-Call Information

Historical scheduling information for on-call groups and individuals can be reviewed in Smart Web. Historical information includes scheduling data for the current day plus the prior 14 days. For example, if the current date is August 31st, the on-call schedules for August 17th through August 31st can be viewed.

Historical data can be reviewed as long as it is still available in the database. The number of past months that can be viewed depends on the purge setting selected for your organization. The default is 12 months.

Searches for assignments can be done by a specific time period, function, person, or department. A search that combines more than one type of search criteria can be done to further limit the assignments found. Examples of these types of searches are found in this section. The historical on-call schedule information can be displayed as a list or in a calendar format.

Information about current scheduling assignments can be viewed in the on-call Search screen. Please refer to Searching for Current On-Call Assignments in the Search Screen for more information.


Logging in is Configurable

The History screen normally requires the user to log in before the screen can be accessed. Only the users that have the appropriate permissions are allowed to log in. The user can be given permission to view all on-call groups or the user must be assigned as an Administrator to a specific on-call group. Only the groups to which the user has permission to view are included in the list of groups displayed in the History screen.

Your system may be configured to not require users to log in when accessing the History screen.


Printing and Exporting

The historical on-call assignments can be printed or saved as a Microsoft Word or Excel file. Note that these applications must be installed on the computer before the file can be saved in a Word or Excel format.

For an example of exporting information to a Word or Excel format, please refer to Saving a Schedule of Assignments as a Word Document and Saving a Schedule of Assignments as an Excel Spreadsheet.




Searching for Historical On-Call Assignments