Working with Smart Web

Using the COG Selection Feature

Some Smart Web systems may be configured to allow the user select a specific COG (Controlling Operator Group) when Smart Web is launched or a user logs in. The COG list box is in the top right corner of the Smart Web screen. The COG options are listed alphabetically in the drop-down list box.

NOTE: The COG list box does not display if your system has not been configured to use this feature.

A skin file name is specified for a COG in Smart Center, and is used to determine how Smart Web looks to the user when that COG is selected in Smart Web. For example, the skin file may specify a unique logo or colors. If a skin is not specified for a COG in Smart Center, the default skin file is used. The default skin file is configured in Smart Web configuration file.

If a user is assigned a COG in his or her listing record, when that user logs in to Smart Web, the assigned COG is used as the default and is selected in the Smart Web COG list box. The records available to the user in Smart Web are limited to the records that are also assigned to the specified COG. The user is allowed to select a different COG in Smart Web if they need to access records in a different COG or the records assigned to all COGs.


Excluding COGs from the List of COG Options

Your system can be configured to exclude a set of specific COGs used by your organization. The excluded COGS are not included in the list of available COGs in the list box. Please verify with your system administrator whether you are using this feature.

1.  Log in to Smart Web. For information about logging in, please refer to Logging in to Smart Web.

2.  The COG list box is located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. You can select a different COG from the list box.