Scheduling On-Call Assignments using the Block Scheduler

Scheduling On-Call Assignments using the Block Scheduler

Within Smart Web, an on-call assignment can be made for an on-call group from the Block Assignment screen. This screen consists of an on-call group selection section, a calendar which shows current assignments which can be used to select dates for new assignments, and an assignment section.

Accessing the Block Assignment screen requires the user to log in. Only the on-call groups to which the user has access are listed in the on-call groups section. The user either has permission to view all on-call groups or only the groups to which the user is assigned as an Administrator. A search can be performed to find a specific on-call group from the on-call groups available to the user.

When the Block Assignment screen is accessed, the current month is shown by default. The month can be changed by using the arrow buttons next to the month name in the calendar to scroll through the available months. The calendar is blank until an on-call group has been selected. When an on-call group has been selected, the name of the selected on-call group displays above the calendar, and the assignments made for the on-call group for the selected month are displayed in a list beneath the calendar. The days for which an assignment has been made are displayed in green. The current day is outlined in red.


Creating New Assignments and Copying Existing Assignments

New on-call assignments can be made by adding new shift assignments or by copying an existing shift and pasting it to another day. When adding new assignments, you can choose one or multiple days. All of the new shifts must be assigned to the same person.


Logging In is Required

The Block Assignment screen requires the user to log in before the screen can be accessed. Only the users that have the appropriate permissions are allowed to log in. The user can be given permission to view and update all on-call groups or the user must be assigned as an Administrator to an on-call group. If the user has permission to view and update all on-call groups, all groups are included in the Search Results section. If the user is an Administrator for certain on-call groups, only those groups are included in the list of groups displayed in the Scheduler Assignment screen.

For more information about logging in to the Smart Web screens, please refer to Logging in to Smart Web.



Days Displayed in Color

The block calendar uses color to show activity for the days. A color legend displays in the screen.



Days in the current month that are not selected or assigned an on-call shift.


Days in the previous or the next month.


Days in the month for which on-call assignments are scheduled.


Days selected in the calendar.

Red Outline

The current day is out lined in red.


On-Call Group Instructions

An instruction assigned to the On-Call group can be reviewed in the Block Assignment tab. You can also update the currently assigned instruction or enter a new instruction for the on-call group.

For more information, please refer to Reviewing an Instruction Assigned to the On-Call Group.

NOTE: This feature is configurable and may not be available on your system.


Scheduling Exception Icons

REFERRAL and COVERAGE scheduling exceptions assigned to a person or function currently on-call are represented by icons in the screen.

By default, Smart Web is configured to not allow a person or a function assigned an exception to be paged. However, your system may be configured to allow the operator to take a message for that individual that can be retrieved at a later time by an operator or by that individual in the Personal Profile screen in Smart Web.

NOTE: If a person or function is assigned the PAGE BLOCK exception, that person cannot be assigned to an on-call shift for any time when the PAGE BLOCK exception is active.

For an example of each icon, please refer to Scheduling Exception Icons.


Getting Started with the Block Scheduler

The following topics are discussed in this section.

Displaying the On-Call Assignments for an On-Call Group

Displaying the On-Call Assignments for an On-Call Group in the Block Scheduler explains how to display the current on-call assignments for an on-call group in the calendar. The list of assignments displayed can be limited to a particular day.



Maintaining the On-Call Group Members and Shifts

Maintaining the On-Call Group Members and Shifts in the Block Scheduler explains how to update the members in an on-call group. New members can be added and existing members removed.


Creating an On-Call Assignment

Creating an On-Call Assignment using the Block Scheduler explains how to create new on-call assignments and copy existing assignments.


Updating an On-Call Assignment

Updating an On-Call Assignment in the Block Scheduler explains how to update an on-call assignment.


Exporting On-Call Assignments to an Outlook Calendar

Exporting On-Call Assignment Information to Outlook explains how to export a set of selected on-call shift assignments to the Outlook calendar on the local PC.


Reviewing an Instruction Assigned to an On-Call Group

Reviewing an Instruction Assigned to the On-Call Group explains how to review an instruction assigned to the on-call group and how to update the instruction or create a new one.


Deleting an On-Call Assignment

Deleting an On-Call Assignment using the Block Scheduler explains how to delete an on-call assignment.


Hot Keys

A set of hot keys are available in the Block Assignment tab that can help a user more quickly select sets of days in the calendar. For more information, please refer to Working with the Block Scheduler Hot Keys.